I think success is whatever makes you happy, whatever “happy” means for you.
1. Do your “homework” in the non-traditional sense.
If what gives you pride is seeing A’s on your report card then that is what you should be doing. Some people don’t just go to college to get a degree to be qualified for something, they actually want to learn about a subject. If that’s the case (or even if it isn’t, and you’re just interested) then yes, do your homework. But beyond that, what I really mean to say is do your homework on things that matter to you. If that means researching and learning about your legal rights, political ideas, Foucault, literature, how to highlight your hair yourself, how to date someone cool, how to become a writer… it does not matter what it is that you are working on, but it does matter that you put effort into what you love, you won’t get anywhere without it.
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2. If plastic surgery is what you need or want to be able to feel good about yourself each day, then by all means, go for it. If you’d rather accept your body as it is and show the world that there is more to you than a perfect face, that is wonderful as well.
I’ve had a few friends who have gotten procedures done and have been overwhelmingly happy with the results– they “fixed” things that plauged them everyday of their lives. Doing so was very important for their own self esteem, and I applaud them for loving themselves enough to take those steps to change their lives. If plastic surgery is what you want to do to for a job, for your own well being– whatever, there is simply nothing wrong with it.
However, the idea that it’s necessary to be successful is just silly. For some people (at least for me) success is being content with who I am and how I’m made and not constantly wanting to change myself. That’s just as valid, if not more so.
3. Go to business school if you want… or go to a liberal arts school… or don’t go to school… there is no right and wrong time to do so or right or wrong place to go, only when and where you want.
Maybe a higher degree of education would aide me in my work, but that’s not what I want right now, because I’m happy with what and where I am, and maybe you are too. There are valid points in the idea that an MBA will help you attain a better salary, surpass entry-
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