Whether you're facing down a deadline or just trying not to waste too much time getting something done, a little extra attention and willpower will help you get
through your tasks quicker than a speeding bullet!
Take a bit of time to plan ahead. Although planning may not be your highest priority, even a minute or two spent charting your course can help to get you there faster.
Keep a to-do list. Understand what you need to do. For certain sorts of tasks, you could keep this list in your head
Don't panic or lose your head, even if the list seems long or daunting right now.
Break down larger tasks into manageable parts.
Do anything you can to shorten the list. Is there anything you could delegate? Can you ask for help? Is there anything you can safely do later, perhaps after a deadline? Is there anything you could skip entirely? Are there shortcuts you could take or ways you could speed up the process? Can you ask for more time?
Eliminate any time-wasters or low value activities or leave them on the bottom of the list until you have more time.
Recognize your priorities, and note them. This process can be as formal or as informal as you prefer, but you'll generally have certain tasks that are more important than others, and it's important that you focus on these tasks first.
One way to consider priorities is to consider the impact of each task or sub-task and the consequence of not doing it or letting the deadline slip.
Take note of any deadlines you are working towards. If there are intermediate goals, give them intermediate deadlines, even if they are approximate.
Take note of your motivations. Try to state them as a positive (getting a good grade in a class, getting a problem solved) rather than negative (not losing a customer, getting in trouble). Your motivations will fuel your speed and extra effort and determination that you will need to get through the tasks.
Jump in and start. If it's hard to get started, do any little piece that gets you into the task. Generally, any start is better than no start, even if it's not ideal.
Work as quickly and efficiently as you can safely work. Balance your pace so that you are not working so quickly that you make mistakes that cost you further time.
Take breaks. As time allows, take short breaks to rest. For a project over many days, this means getting enough sleep that you can stay awake and concentrate. For a one-day project, a couple of minutes every hour will allow you to eat, drink enough water, use the bathroom, stretch (if your task is sedentary) or catch your breath (if it is physically active), etc.
Don't take such long breaks that you lose your momentum. Rather than schedule them strictly, take breaks at natural stopping points in your work.
Breaks can also provide a moment for intermediate planning or discussion if you are working as part of a group. It's a good idea to review your plan along the way and modify either your course or your plan, or both.
Be disciplined. Focus, be persistent, and be consistent. It will help to get through your tasks as efficiently as possible.
If you find yourself losing focus, try to figure out why, and quickly. Are your objectives unclear? Do you need information from others? Are you getting stuck on something? Is your plan inconsistent with your progress or your goals?
Celebrate your accomplishments and get some rest as soon as you are done.
Do any required follow-up work. Let others know you have finished and give them whatever information they need to proceed with the next steps.
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