Thinking of what to write on, but cant think of one, and then I realize, am not even a writer. Have always wanted to try out new things, things that can change the world, but the question is, isnt the world changed already? . The universe change every second. Walking up this morning thanking God for keeping me alive today, because sometimes I ask myself WHAT THE F*CK AM I DOING ON THIS PLANET? and then he tells me "Son you here to change the world" , thats what keeps me going.
Actually the purpose of writing this is to let you all know that alot things happen in this world that discourage us from moving forward to our goal. What am trying say is don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice.
We all in this world for a purpose, a reason that can change the world.
Dont give up on your dreams, you can still make it through.
#SAY NO TO SUICIDE. Together we can make this world a better place.
Estimates for number of suicides in India study projected 187,000 suicides in India in 2010.
Give comment below if u have any advice for youth out there!!!
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